Word: AXIS

The word AXIS has appeared in at least 141 clues on different crosswords.

Allies' foe
Line of symmetry
Allies' foe
Graph line
Line of symmetry
Pivot line
Line of rotation
indicates 6. Pivot line
Opponents of the Allies in World War II
Globe's turning point
Bush 43's "___ of evil"
___ of Evil
Line of rotation
Line of rotation
Line around which an object rotates
Graph line
What the Earth turns on
Coordinate system line
Graph's X or Y line
X, Y or Z line
Japan's WWII alliance
Italy's WWII alliance
Italy's WWII alliance
The Earth rotates on it
Line of symmetry
W.W. II entente
Plot line
The world revolves around it
Revolution center
Geometric reference line
Opponents of the Allies in World War II
WWII alliance
Line through Earth's core
___ & Allies (classic board game)
Central line
X or Y, on a graph
Line of symmetry
Pivot line
Alliance of nations
Center of rotation
Pivot line
Pole-to-pole line
World War II partnership
Pivot line
Line of rotation
Line of symmetry
Pivot line
Line of rotation
Line of rotation
x or y, on a graph
Rotation center
The Allies' foe in World War II
Pivot point
Turning point
Rotation spot
___ & Allies (board game set in WWII)
Enemy alliance in W.W. II
x or y, on graphs
Earth's turning line
Line of rotation
Pole-to-pole line
___ of Evil
Pivotal point
Central line
Line of rotation
Graph line
x, y or z
What the abscissa and ordinate are measured from
Opponents of the Allies in World War II
Central line
Pole position?
Rotation point
Line of rotation
___ & Allies (classic board game)
x or y, on graphs
Center of rotation
Planet's line of rotation
Central line
Pivot line
Allies' foe
Center of rotation
indicates 6. Pivot line
___ and Allies (World War II powers)
What a globe rotates on
x or y, in plane geometry
Line of rotation
x, y or z, in geometry
Graph's reference line
Opponents of the Allies in World War II
Base line on a graph
Reference line on a graph
Imaginary line a planet rotates around
Graph line
WWII alliance
x, y or z, in geometry
Graph component
Center of rotation
X or Y line on a graph
Pivot line
What the Earth rotates on
Pivot line
x, for one
Graph line
___ of evil (term coined by George W. Bush)
Line that something rotates around
x or y, in math class
Line through two poles
Line on a graph
Pivot line
x, y or z
Rotation center
X or y, on a graph
Line of rotation
Turning point
Plot line in a math book
Line through Earth's center
Imaginary line that the Earth rotates on
X or y, on a graph
x or y, on graphs
Rotation spot
Line of rotation
X or Y line on a graph
Line on a graph
Graph line
Central line
Line of rotation
Rotation point
Imaginary straight center line that something revolves around
___ & Allies (classic board game)
Center of rotation
Turning point
___ & Allies (board game set in WWII)
Imaginary line the Earth spins around
x- or y- line
Pivot line
Graph line
Rotation line
___ of Evil