The word ATALE has appeared in at least 42 clues on different crosswords.

Start of a Dickens title (2 wds.)
"____ of Two Cities" (2 wds.)
Dickens title beginning (2 wds.)
Start of a Dickens title (2 wds.)
"___ of Two Cities" (2 wds.)
Dickens title starter
Dickens title starter
"___ of Two Cities" (Charles Dickens novel): 2 wds.
Dickens title beginning (2 wds.)
“___ of Love and Darkness” (Amos Oz memoir)
''__ of Two Cities''
“___ of Two Cities”
Rohmer's "___ of Winter"
Dickens title starter
Dickensian title starter
Start of a Dickens title (2 wds.)
“___ of Two Cities”
Dickens title starter (2 wds)
Dickens title starter (2 wds.)
Jonathan Swift's "___ of a Tub"
"And thereby hangs ___" (Shakespeare) (2 wds)
Part of a Dickens title
''__ of Two Cities''
Femme f___: Sharp and beautiful woman
"___ of Two Cities" (Dickens novel)
"I could ___ unfold ...": Shak. (2 wds.)
"___ of Cinderella" (1994 musical)
Femme f___: Sharp and beautiful woman
Dickens title beginning (2 wds.)
"And thereby hangs ___" (Shakespeare) (2 wds)
Part of a Dickens title
Grandma told me ___ (2 wds)
Dickens starter (2 wds.)
"___ of Two Cities" (Charles Dickens novel): 2 wds.
"____ of Two Cities" (2 wds.)
"____ of Two Cities" (2 wds.)
Femme f___: Sharp and beautiful woman
"___ of Two Cities" (Charles Dickens classic) (2 wds.)
"___ of Two Cities" (2 wds.)
"___ of Two Cities" (Charles Dickens novel): 2 wds.
Start of a Dickens title (2 wds.)
"And thereby hangs ___" (Shakespeare) (2 wds)