The word ARESO has appeared in at least 69 clues on different crosswords.

'Am not!' reply
Schoolyard rebuttal to "Am not!"
"Am not!" retort
Rebuttal to "Am not!"
"You ___ dead!"
"You ___ Beautiful" (Joe Cocker song)
Juvenile rejoinder
Joe Cocker's "You ___ Beautiful"
Joe Cocker's "You ___ Beautiful" (2 wds.)
First-grader's retort
''Am not!'' reply
Joe Cocker hit song "You ___ Beautiful" (2 wds.)
Retort to "Am not!"
''Am not!'' rebuttal
"Am not!" comeback
Response to ''Am not!''
Childish retort
Kid's retort
"Am not!" comeback
Childish rebuttal
"You ___ Beautiful" (Joe Cocker hit)
16-Across hit song "You ___ Beautiful" (2 wds.)
Playground retort
Rebuttal to ''Am not!''
Childish comeback
"You __ lucky!"
"You __ grounded!"
“Am not!” follow-up
''Am not!'' retort
“Am not!” rejoinder
"You __ Beautiful": Joe Cocker hit
"You __ busted!"
"Am not!" retort (2 wds.)
"You ___ lucky!": 2 wds.
Recess rebuttal
''Am not!'' comeback
"You __ lucky!"
Riposte to "Am not!"
Playground retort
Playground comeback
Response to "Am not!"
''You __ right!''
"It's true!"
Playground response
Playground comeback
Juvenile rebuttal
''You ___ Beautiful'' (Cocker hit)
Response to "Am not!"
''Am not!'' retort
Schoolyard comeback
Riposte to "Am not!"
Response to "Am not!"
"Am not" rebuttal
Playground retort
Childish comeback
"Am not" retort
"Am not" rebuttal
"You ___ Beautiful"
Response to "Am not!"
"Am not!" retort
"Am not" rebuttal
"Am not!" comeback
''You ___ Beautiful'' (Cocker hit)
Retort to "I am not!"
Playground retort
''Am not!'' retort
Other side of a playground argument
''You ___ Beautiful'' (Cocker hit)
Childish retort