Word: APSE

The word APSE has appeared in at least 370 clues on different crosswords.

Church projection
Church part
Church nook
Church section
Church part
Church alcove
Church projection
Altar's place, typically
Cathedral recess
Church area
Basilica recess
Cathedral section
Church alcove
Church projection
Cathedral section
Cathedral section
Cathedral part
Church niche
Cathedral section
Altar locale
Basilica part
Church area behind an altar
Church recess
Cathedral area
Altar area
Basilica recess
Basilica area
Church projection
Altar area
Church area
Church part
Part of a chapel
Cathedral alcove
Place to pray
Vaulted area
Church section
Basilica area
Domed church part
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Cathedral part
Chapel nook
Basilica part
Church section
Religious setback?
Church area
Church section
Area abutting a transept
Church niche
Part of an abbey, perhaps
Church recess
Church area
Church area
Cathedral recess
Altar area
Altar area
Semicircular room
Church recess
Semicircular church feature
Lady chapel locale
Church area
Church recess
Where the altar is usually found in a church
Basilica section
Church area
Cathedral recess
Setting for many stained-glass windows
Vaulted area in a basilica
Church part
Vaulted area
Choir recess, perhaps
Area behind an altar
Cathedral part
Altar area
Semicircular church area
Church nook
Area that may have stained glass
Church niche
Cathedral recess
Basilica recess
Church recess
Cathedral recess
Niche that might contain holy relics
Abbey recess
Semicircular church area
Church section
Cathedral recess
Basilica recess
Church projection
Locale for a shrine
Church part that sounds high-tech
Church recess
Church nook
Church part
Basilica section
Church nook
Church recess
End of many sanctuaries
Basilica part
Niche at Notre Dame
Church area
Where you may find a vault
Rounded cathedral feature
Place for a saint's image, maybe
Church area behind an altar
Cathedral part
Basilica part
Church niche
Site for a Jesus painting, perhaps
Cathedral part
Church area
Place for an altar
Church section
Stained-glass window locale
Altar area
Vaulted recess
Cathedral area
Church recess
Church recess
Projection on a basilica
Cathedral niche
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Certain vaulted area
Basilica part
Basilica part
Church area
Church area
Basilica part
Basilica recess
Semidomed church area
Church projection
Church recess
Church niche
Church part that sounds like what you might have on your smartphone
Basilica part
Church recess
Cathedral niche
Architectural recess
Sacred recess
Basilica recess
Recessed area in a church
Basilica feature
Cathedral recess
Church section
Church alcove
Church section
Church recess
Abbey area
Place to pray
Church area
Church recess
Cathedral part
Church recess
Basilica section
Abbey area
Basilica part
Church niche
Church recess
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Church recess
High altar neighbor
Sanctuary area
Church area
Abbey area
Cathedral section
Religious recess
Vaulted niche
The faithful face it
Church nook
Church recess
Church nook
Church recess
Chapel recess
Basilica part
Church nook
Church recess
Cathedral recess
Church recess
Basilica section
Abbey area
[[IMAGE]](Coll___ from exhaustion)
Church niche
Religious recess
Church part
Altar neighbor
Cathedral section
Church projection
Church recess
Abbey area
Cathedral recess
Church section
Altar place
Church section
Church niche
Semicircular church area
Cathedral part
Cathedral part
Cathedral recess
Abbey area
Choir neighbor
Church nook
Basilica section
Locale with a vaulted roof
Cathedral recess
Neighbor of the nave
Church recess
Place for an icon in church
Basilica recess
Church recess
Abbey area
Vaulted part of a church
Church section
Church recess
Cathedral recess
Semicircular building extension
Church part
Choir neighbor
Church nook
Church section
Cathedral nook
Basilica feature
Church nook
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Feature of Notre-Dame supported by flying buttresses
Church projection
Semicircular cathedral area
Church alcove
Cathedral section
Church niche
Cathedral section
Church recess
Altar area
Church recess
Part of an abbey
Church projection
Altar area
Church part
Architectural recess
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Cathedral part
Church niche
Church recess
Hemispherical semi dome of a building
Church area
Cathedral recess
Altar area
Altar area
Locale of the Chair of Saint Peter in Saint Peter's Basilica
Church recess
Choir neighbor
Church recess
Place for a saint's image, maybe
Basilica section
Arcing recess
Cathedral recess
Church part
Recess for prayer
Cathedral part
Altar area
Church nook
Holy recess
Church niche
Basilica recess
Church alcove
Quiet place to pray
Cathedral recess
Church section
Setting for many stained-glass windows
Cathedral recess
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Church part
Basilica section
Church nook
Church section
Church recess
Vaulted projection on a building
Cathedral part
Basilica part
Church niche
Church recess
Church recess
Church part
Cathedral section
Church section
Vaulted part of a church
Basilica part
Basilica recess
Cathedral recess
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Basilica recess
Cathedral recess
Place to pray
Church area
Cathedral part
Church area behind an altar
Basilica section
Basilica part
Church recess
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Semicircular recess
Nave neighbor
Cathedral recess
Basilica part
Church area
Cathedral section
Vaulted niche
Niche that might contain holy relics
Semicircular recess
Church nook
Church area where mosaics are often found
Church nook
Vaulted recess
Church nook
Church recess
Basilica section
Church niche
Word that sounds like a plural of 1-Down
Church part
Church projection
Niche that might contain holy relics
Church recess
Semicircular recess
Semicircular church section
View from a pew, maybe
Church section
Semicircular church area
Church niche
[[IMAGE]](Polygonal recess in a church)
Cathedral part
Cathedral recess
Church nook
Semicircular church area
Basilica section
Cathedral recess
Arched recess
Lady chapel locale
Abbey area
Basilica recess
Church section
Church part
Church nook
Church section
Basilica part
Location of the Chair of St. Peter within St. Peter's Basilica
Church projection
Vaulted area in a basilica
Church projection
Cathedral recess
Church projection
Altar's church section, often
Cathedral section
Church niche
Cathedral section
Basilica feature
Church recess
Altar area
Cathedral recess
Cathedral recess
Altar area
Church alcove
Church recess