The word AMENS has appeared in at least 79 clues on different crosswords.

Service calls
Final words
Flocks' responses
Congregation murmurs
Church chorus
Churchgoers' shouts
Church replies
Solemn assents
Church replies
Sermonic assents
Prayer responses
Church responses
Church responses
Solemn affirmations
Devout words
Responses from the congregation
Church responses
Congregants’ answers
Sunday responses
Prayer endings
Prayer endings
Congregation murmurs
Congregation murmurs
Prayer enders
Congregation murmurs
Congregation murmurs
Revival shouts
Congregational responses
Chorus of approval
Sunday responses
Service concluders
Congregation responses
Prayer endings
Prayer endings
Congregation murmurs
Cathedral conclusions
Congregation murmurs
Prayer endings
Congregation murmurs
Final words
Flocks' responses
Congregation murmurs
Prayers' last words
Church replies
Prayer responses
Church responses
Church chorus?
Church responses
Congregational chorus
Devout words
Responses from the congregation
Church cries
Church responses
Prayer-ending words
Congregation's responses
Sunday responses
Congregation murmurs
Approving shouts from some congregations
Prayer endings
Prayer endings
Prayer enders
Church chorus?
Revival shouts
Congregational responses
Sunday responses
Service concluders
Congregation responses
Prayer endings
Church chorus?
Cries of agreement
Prayer endings
Church chorus?
Prayer-ending words
Affirmations from the congregation
Good faith agreements?
Utterances of agreement
Final words
Flocks' responses
Prayer responses