May 22 2021, Crossword Champ

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With the bow, to Brahms
AST part
Rugged coastline feature (drowned valley)
Condemn strongly
University of Utah player
Sci-fi movie staples
Landing surface
Swan song
Movie pooch
Sax section member
Becomes bored
"... the two shall be __": "Wedding Song" lyrics
Layer, one above the other
Luau souvenirs
Property owner
Vietnam Memorial architect
Greenhorn (Var.)
Pack of 12
Former pay-phone cost
Nigerian people
Sleep a little
"__ live and breathe!"
Baseball's Maglie
Ending for Taiwan or Japan
Adriatic port
Showed up
Like most laws
Had its premiere
Abounding with a tree type
Smallest piece of time on a calendar
Pieces of glass used in optical devices
[[IMAGE]](Washington city where 'Grey's Anatomy' is set)
Publishers' hirees, for short
Boom source
Motley Crue's genre, with rock
Ceremonial staff carriers
Playing marble
Tones down
Enjoy a hot tub
R&B singer of "Case of the Ex"
One way to make a chicken
Wish undone
Consisting of one element
Couturier Cassini
Head, in St Henri
Picked out
Haggard book
Wide shoe spec
Old Eur. money
Saul's bushel
Dom. Of Otto
Kind of sch.
Mason mysteries monogram
Fourth letter of English alphabet (plural)