May 14 2021, Crossword Champ

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Leaky tire's sound
Cowboy boot attachment
Former German state, to Frenchmen
Pearl Mosque locale
Clothing, formally
Gravity force letter
Others, to Ovid
___ mater (where a person graduated from)
Potentially useful things
Celebrated one
After-school treat
Ancient Greek sophist
New Deal inits.
Car from Trollhattan
Stereo line abbr.
Dae-Han-Min-Gook, e.g.
Nationals grp.
A first name in film annals
Ring count
Part of the "sum" conjugation
One ___ time (2 wds)
Juillet's season
Small generator
Welcome site
What makes a wok work?
Surveying and geology term
Orange-red variety of quartz
Keyboard key to remove things (abbr)
Scottish singleton
Fills the hull
French word before "de toilette"
Player like Rickey Henderson
Set foot (on)
Evil spirits
[[IMAGE]](Used to make porridge)
Submissions to an ed.
___truction of natural habitats causes animal extinction
His or her, in Paris
Hauls before a judge
Event decorated in one setting e.g.: Spiderman ___ birthday party
Wrapping weight
Swatch options
Qatar University city
For ___ (almost free)
Leave unacknowledged
Tiny complaints
Contemptible people
Type of choromosome
Mother (British dialect)
Brest friend
DI's double
[[IMAGE]](Either of two long narrow straps attached to each end of the bit of a bridle)
Horse-collar attachment
Communications conglomerate
PC exit keys
Levantine bigwig
Rare but life-threatening bacterial infection